How has the LGBT community adversely impacted Ghana? asks Wanlov the Kubolor

Wanlov outlined some actions that have a negative impact on the nation and criticized the government for waging a "war" against the minority group rather than addressing the many problems that face its people.

How has the LGBT community adversely impacted Ghana? asks Wanlov the Kubolor

Musician Wanlov the Kubolor has questioned the detrimental effects queer people's lives have had on Ghana.

Lesbianism and homosexuality are two practices that are taboo in Ghana. The government's decision to forbid the LGBT community from participating in their own events has been questioned by musician Wanlov.

According to Wanlov, people should be free to engage in whatever activities they desire, particularly if such activities do not adversely impact others' lives or the nation.

"In my opinion, people should do what they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact the lives of others. Nobody can explain to me how being gay is causing them issues in this nation. Unless our money is being stolen by a queer individual working in government, Wanlov said to Doreen Abanema Abayaa on Talkertainment.

Wanlov outlined some actions that have a negative impact on the nation and criticized the government for waging a "war" against the minority group rather than addressing the many problems that face its people.

The queerness is merely a complication. Is the individual a decent or bad person? There is no way I'm going to defend a queer person who is accused of participating in pedophilia because the individual is a bad person for abusing a child.As long as they are not bothering you, let people thrive, he urged.