iOna, a musician, calls out for aid after being displaced by a flood.

She was taken aback by the whole flooding situation, as her neighborhood isn't known for being flooded.

iOna, a musician, calls out for aid after being displaced by a flood.

iOna Reine, a budding singer, and her family are currently living on the verge of becoming homeless due to the recent persistent rain.

Rainwater has been covering the singer's McCarthy Hills condominium since last Saturday, forcing her to sleep outside with her children.

She described the astonishment on her face when she saw her stuff floating amid the unclean water that had reached waist level in an emotional interview with Zionfelix.

"It was terrifying." Everything was strewn everywhere. I had to carry my children to the top of the bed because they were terrified and wailing, "Mummy, I'm afraid." He stated, "It simply broke my heart."

The predicament, according to iOna, has cost her the majority of her electrical appliances and clothing. She also claimed that she has been attempting to dredge the water out of her home over the last four days.

She was taken aback by the whole flooding situation, as her neighborhood isn't known for being flooded.

She did say, though, that there had been floods three years ago, but it was much better now.

She attributed the situation to bad planning and housing projects along the waterwayswhile agreeing with President Akufo-assessment that human behavior is a big element in Ghana's floods.