Tension Brews In Afram Plains North NDC Over Move By Some Party Faithfuls To Support Independent Parliamentary Candidate 

This situation follows the diabolical moves by some known members and supporters of the NDC to openly their support for independent parliamentary candidate against workaholic NDC sitting Member of Parliament (MP), for the area, Honourable Betty Krosbi Mensah.

Tension Brews In Afram Plains North NDC Over Move By Some Party Faithfuls To Support Independent Parliamentary Candidate 
TENSION and confusion are seriously brewing up in the Afram Plains North branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Eastern Region which needs proactive measures to be taken by the both national and regional executives resolve it since it is likely to affect electoral victory of the party in the constituency.

This situation follows the diabolical moves by some known members and supporters of the NDC to openly their support for independent parliamentary candidate against workaholic NDC sitting Member of Parliament (MP), for the area, Honourable Betty Krosbi Mensah.
Raising an alarm over the matter, the group calling itself Concerned NDC members of Afram Plains North Constituency stressed the urgent need for the leadership of the party to wake up from their slumber to ensure that the members of the party who support such independent candidate are to be suspended indefinitely. 
According to the group led by John Atanga, their call on the leadership of the party to punish these members has become necessary because the actions and inactions of these members are creating decision and confusion within the NDC in the area.
In a statement copied to Soireenews.com, the group observed with grave concerned that looking their vision to ensure resounding electoral victory, both in the Presidential and the Parliamentary upcoming elections which is due in December this year, this this is certainly not the time for the game of NO 9, NO 10 in Afram Plains North Constituency.
According to the group, the Afram Plains North Constituency is fully prepared to once again, give a popular acclamation to their workaholic MP ( Honourable Betty Krosbi Mensah) and to the most popular political prophet at the moment, former President H.E John Dramani Mahama.
The group stated that it is their solid record which will do the trick for them much to the dismay of the non-doers ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).
"Be that as it may, it is critical to note, that this long-awaited liberation in victory for all Ghanaians will not come on a silver platter and without the work of saboteurs and opponents trying their hands on the button of destruction.
"To stretch the point further, there is a certain strong suspicion in town about the possible emergence of an independent parliamentary candidate in the constituency. This candidate when he comes, has violated the party's constitution. 
"The NDC does not entertain members going independent in the event of losing an internal election. If a member ever does so, forfeits his or her membership to the party.(Why the late Honourable  Adongo never became MP in Afram Plains South)," the group noted.
The group repeated that members who also support such independent candidates are to be suspended indefinitely. 
The group stressed that "Comrades are hereby advised to join the winning train to Zion and leave the disjointed vehicle to its unfortunate fate. 
According to the group, this independent candidate is someone who has no track record* in the Constituency and hence, has been roundly rejected by the delegates of our party on three consecutive parliamentary primaries.
It noted that his source of hope is that tacit sponsorship being extended to him by the NPP aimed at eating into "our votes and maybe, giving a chance to the NPP candidate to snatch our dear seat from us."
The group vowed that Insha Allah, this will amount to a fruitless enterprise. 
The group stressed that the so-called independent candidate doesn't mean well, adding that he is only clandestinely seeking to put sand in our gari and so, he should be disregarded.